What is a pterygium (surfer’s eye)?
A pterygium is a growth of the conjunctiva, which is the clear tissue that covers the white part of your eye. It can cause redness and irritation. It can also cause blurry vision if it starts to grow towards the center of the cornea.
Pterygyium Treatment
Initially, treatment for pterygium involves monitoring it to evaluate for growth. If the pterygium causes symptoms such as irritation or redness, then eye drops and ointments may be prescribed. Since UV radiation is associated with the development of pterygium, it’s important to wear UV blocking polarized sunglasses when spending time outdoors. If patients continue to have symptoms of pterygia even with the use of eye drops and ointments, surgical excision may be considered.
The surgeons at Puente Hills Eye Care are experienced at pterygium removal surgery and use ultramodern techniques to decrease recurrence rates of the pterygium.